Okay so, you saw The Social Dilemma trending on social media, and you watched it (even though you tweeted just a few days ago about how you were going to #cancelnetflix). Then you posted on social media about how eye-opening the documentary was and how it almost got you to delete your social media accounts. […]
Kindle vs Physical Books

Seeing the Kindle with its colorless display, laggy page loads, and slow response to touch (that’s what she said), I was certain that physical books would remain my favorite way to read. Has that changed over the years? Do I still think that the Kindle is too primitive for its times?
Taking Care Of Your Mental Health During Covid-19 Pandemic

You might be wondering why I’m talking about mental health during Covid-19 when it’s our physical health that seems most likely in danger right now. Hear me out. It’s been less than a couple of weeks since I’ve been at home to help #flattenthecurve for the coronavirus outbreak. Until last week, news from other parts […]
How To Beat The Coronavirus Travel Restriction Blues

If you miss being able to travel and meet people, if you’re wondering how we can put a positive spin on this situation, if you need a spark of sunshine during these times of uncertainty, I’m sharing with you some fun ways to beat the coronavirus travel restriction blues.
Long Distance Relationships: 6 Ideas To Make Them Easier

Are you in a long distance relationship? Are you looking for ideas to make long distance relationships easier and more interesting? You’ve definitely come to the right place! It takes effort to maintain any kind of relationship. Add to that not being able to see each other often and communicating primarily through text, and things […]
Is TravelCon worth it?

If you’re wondering what to expect from TravelCon, whether it’s for you, if it’s worth it, and how you can prepare and make the best of attending TravelCon, this post is just for you!
5 ways to enjoy Inktober – for a new artist

As I step into the New Year, I plan to spend more time exploring a new interest I discovered during Inktober 2019 – being an illustration artist! I knew I had some basic interest in art and colors, but it wasn’t something I had pursued until October 2019, when I proposed to my family the […]
Focus Word for 2020

Over the last few years, I’ve walked into every January with a clear list of plans and goals. But the idea of a focus word never made much sense to me, especially because I thought it’d be something like “growth” or “progress” every single year. The reason I’m making a change this year, however, is […]
8 guaranteed ways to fail as a blogger

In the extremely competitive world of blogging, there exist some rebels who will do everything they can to ensure that their blog isn’t successful. After years of carefully studying and practicing some of their habits, I bring to you 8 tips you can use to guarantee that your blog doesn’t go the places it could […]
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The balancing act – how to satisfy wanderlust with a full-time job

“Do you travel full-time?” – one question that pops up quite often in my messages. Even people who know that I have a full-time job seem to assume that I travel a lot – whatever their definition of “a lot” is! Having a location-dependent job and an Indian passport is a combination that pretty much […]